Sunday, February 23, 2014

How to Study Physics ?

We discussed in the last article the importance of physics as a subject. We also saw that knowledge of physics is essential for understanding other sciences as well. Now comes the real question: How to start studying physics?

For studying physics you must have good knowledge of mathematics and geometry. Mathematics is the language of physics so a student of physics is required to study lots of mathematics (concurrently with physics) to be able to understand physics.

You must have the tendency of understanding things. Some people think that they will manage by learning (memorizing facts) in physics. I would like to tell it very clearly to such people that learning without understanding will not be of much help in physics. Success in physics is possible only for those who have a strong tendency to understand things.

You must be able to draw and understand GRAPHS for situations that you analyse in physics. Graphs help us to better visualize a situation.

Very often you will be required to draw diagrams to visualize and better understand a

How to Begin
It has been experienced by scientists that every phenomenon of nature is directly or indirectly related to motion of some particle, object or to some radiation (which is again wave motion).For example, Chemical reaction is rearrangement of atoms (which is possible only if atoms move).When we touch a hot kettle and we feel its hotness,that becomes possible only because atoms of the kettle are vibrating more vigorously than atoms of our hand, and by touching our hand to the kettle we allow the atoms in our hand to come into intimate contact with atoms of the kettle body. When this happens the atoms of the kettle transfer some of their kinetic energy to those atoms of our hand which are touching them. Thus those atoms in our hand begin to vibrate with greater average speed. This generate a sensory wave that travels from the hand to the brain. The brain interprets the incoming sensory wave as the perception of hotness. Similarly all climatic phenomena depend upon the wind flow. We can cite unending list of examples to support the fact that motion is behind every phenomenon of nature.

So it is very important that we develop a very thorough understanding of motion before trying to understand other phenomena of nature. That is why the study of physics as a subject starts with studying MECHANICS,which is the physics and the maths of analysing motion. My suggestion to you is that you should make all your efforts to develop a proper understanding of MECHANICS.

You will be required to have a fair knowledge of Algebra, Coordinate Geometry, Trigonometry, Vector Algebra, Differentiation and Integration etc. in maths, to be able to understand Mechanics well. A good physics teacher will concurrently teach you the essentials of all these topics in maths to
enable you to understand Mechanics.
Those students who are desirous of studying Physics and Maths from me can click here.

For reading my article on General Study Techniques for getting good marks CLICK HERE

For reading my articles on IIT-JEE preparation go to the List of all my articles.
For any help or query you can contact me (J.P.Sinha) on my mobile +91 9871 222 426 (it is a New Delhi mobile)Please call only between 8.00am and 10.00am IST

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